This is a very personal and Blessed post which is also an invitation to you and for you... Today, during a session with my spiritual teacher as well as dear friend I was guided into a deep breathe practice which she explained to me while I laid upon my bed. Open mouthed breathe in and out, in breathe was a yes, out breathe was releasing the density. I set my intention to feel my full illumination to guide the session. Previous to this session for the past few days I have been becoming increasingly 'fed up' with this planet and the way humans are behaving. Watching so many to move through pain and vomit their pain onto other's is very disturbing to me as well as frustrating. As a Star Seed we feel love, send out love and live from love and devotion and all my actions are grounded in this love. As my frustrations grew with humanity I began considering going home back to my stars, away from these people who are too deaf to even hear my messages and just live back in...